Friday, February 23, 2007

A New Start

Today I decided to combine all my blogs into one. After all - the HORSE is one incredible creation designed with all parts working together ... mind, body & spirit. So here you'll read about teaching, natural hoofcare, healthcare and more ... altogether as one.

The past year was a bit of a haitus for me and for my horses. I think we all needed the rest just to play and to ... be. Now, this new year, 2007, is one to start again in a semi-same direction yet a bit different. We've all learned through the seasons ... more and more I have learned to listen even more closely to the horse and my horses have learned to reciprocate in kind. We lost our Patriarch of the herd. Our beloved J.C's Bubba died in November at the age of 31. He left this world amongst his herd, quickly and without fanfare. That seemed to have been Bubba's way. He lived his life without fanfare, never asking to be the "Star of the Show" but somehow humbly accepting that place. He was never arrogant or unkind but always thoughtful and considerate of the others in his herd, both equine and human. He gave his heart to those who earned it and never looked back. A simple horse but his heart as big as the sky. He gave us courage and taught many to trust in themselves. We will continue those teachings this year ... with Bub's spirit ever present.

Each horse in our lives has something to teach us if we but listen with our whole being. Ginger died the year before Bub, a grand lady of 40 years old. She was here at Penzance a short time but shared her love with bounty in full. She taught many women how to love themselves, just the way they were. That's a tall order but was never too daunting for Ginger. She and Bubba left their legacies for the youngsters to carry on and so they will ... with renewed spirits this year.

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